Ribbon material identification method-Industry news-宽窄|葫芦|异形织带厂家-深圳市织之缘实业有限公司
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Ribbon material identification method

source:本站 Click:time:2018-11-06 07:44:18
Identifying the material of the webbing, the experienced webbing knows what the webbing is, the webbing factory, the width and thickness. However, as a newcomer who has just stepped into the webbing industry, it is obviously up to the accumulation of experience to reach such a level. The method of distinguishing the webbing is: touch (feel of the webbing), view its color, and burn.

Touch method, cotton webbing, nylon or nylon material, soft, smooth, bright color, good gloss, lighter material; polypropylene (PP) material has a soft, rough and poor gloss; polyester fabric ribbon color Compared with rigid, but the color fastness is good, the specific gravity is heavier; polyester short silk (also known as polyester civilian silk, commonly known as polyester cotton) polyester polyester silk material has the same feel and cotton material, and the hand feels soft.

Combustion method: ignite it with fire, observe the state of the burning flame, smell the odor emitted after burning, and look at the remaining matter after burning to judge the material of the webbing. The warp and weft yarns of the two unknown types of webbings were taken out and burned with a lighter, and some physical phenomena were observed during the burning process to determine the raw materials of the warp and weft yarns. When burning, observe the flame, the melting condition, the emitted odor, and the condition of the burnt ash.

It is easy to identify fibers by combustion, but blended products are not easy to judge. It is necessary to extract one yarn from each of the warp and weft directions (ie, the direction of the straight and the horizontal).

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